Migration successful
Nimiq Proof of Stake is finally here!
On Nov 19th, 2024 Nimiq successfully migrated from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, Nimiq’s second original peer-to-peer payment network.
Rewards pageA leap forward in every metric
Almost instant transactions and capacity at magnitudes of payment giant PayPal – Nimiq has become a viable alternative to FIAT, both economically and ecologically.
Adoption-Grade Performance
transactions / sec
1 sec
block time
Sending a transaction takes less energy than an email!
In Honor of Nimiq Proof-of-Work
Nimiq launched its first NiPoPoW-based network in 2018, enabling browsers to act as peers on the blockchain — a major leap forward in decentralized payments.
Original Whitepaper PDFNimiq Proof-of-Work Timeline
Nimiq Proof-of-Work in Numbers
Uptime: >99.9%
Hacks and exploits: 0
ATH: $0.0142
Max hashrate: 18.9 GH/s
Total mined: 10.4B NIM
Tx processed: 34.1M
Blocktime avg: 60.3s
Transferred value: $307M
Code stats
Commits: 2204
Contributors: 33
Github Stars: 989
Passing the torch to proof-of-Stake
1'569'963addresses and3'456'000blocks produced

Pre-staking successful
A big ‘Thank you!’ to Nimiq’s community
Close to 50% of the circulating supply were pre-staked, an amazing achievement by an amazing community.

The winners of the massive give-away are being announced
100 pre-stakers are winning substantial NIM rewards,
like 10 x 3 Million NIM.